Discovering 10 Positive Wasabi Benefits for Our Health

Discovering 10 Positive Wasabi Benefits for Our Health - Wasabi is a Japanese native crop with a vibrant green color and spicy flavor. Many people like eating this condiment with their chosen Japanese food, especially sushi. But, do you know anything about wasabi benefits? 

Yes, this so-called Japanese horseradish is rich in healthy properties such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals with zero cholesterol. We need to learn more about this healthy nature because wasabi health benefits for our health are limitless. Here is more information about wasabi.

Wasabi Benefits
Discovering 10 Positive Wasabi Benefits for Our Health

Wasabi Health Facts

People may only know that wasabi is a green condiment in both powder and paste form with a pungent and spicy flavor. Little did they know that this plant is a powerhouse of many health advantages. Both fresh wasabi benefits and raw wasabi benefits can help you with numerous health problems. 

Wasabi can reduce cancer, prevent tooth cavities, handle any respiratory disorders, treat arthritis and more. This superfood plant can do all those health benefits because it is packed with rich minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and more. 

It is also packed with Vitamins A, folate, vitamin B complex and C. Wasabi is also a great source of antioxidants due its high level of isothiocyanates. Thus, this condiment abundantly offers health benefits to us.

The History of Wasabi

Before learning about the benefits of wasabi, let’s delve into the history of wasabi first. The cultivation of this plant has been done for more than a thousand years by the Japanese. In fact, wasabi is an essential part of their culture and cuisine.

Wasabi was initially used for its health properties before it became the iconic condiment. They must have learnt about wasabi benefits and side effects for health by then. However, the planting requires intensive efforts since you can only grow wasabi in certain conditions like humid environments with clean streamlined water.   

You can find this plant in several different forms such as wasabi paste, powder and fresh root. Choose the paste and powder form to enjoy wasabi for your daily use. However, if you want a more flavorful and authentic taste, then your best option would be its root.  

Surprising Benefits of Wasabi

Now that you have known some important facts about wasabi, it is time to answer the ultimate question i.e., What are the benefits of wasabi?

So, here are the benefits of this pungent spicy plant for our health

1. Help Boost Our Immune System

Wasabi is rich in vitamin C so it is good for our body in battling against any infections. There are antioxidant properties in wasabi that can help us fight free radicals named  Isothiocyanates. 

Knowing that wasabi has Isothiocyanates properties we are no longer afraid of any parasite infection from the fish we eat. This way, wasabi can help prevent any foodborne disease.  

2. Good for Bone Health

Never underestimate this spicy condiment because it plays a role in your bone health. Its p-hydroxycinnamic (HCA) compound properties are believed to increase the formation of bone. These properties can also soothe arthritis pains and lower any potential bone breakdown..

3. Support Heart Health

You may feel a faster beating heart after eating wasabi due to its spiciness. However, wasabi can promote your health because it helps lower your cholesterol level. This way, wasabi enhances your blood circulation in order to maintain the healthy level of your blood pressure.

4. Anti-Cancer Properties

The anti-cancer properties in wasabi can help control certain cancer cells growth. In this case, wasabi can subdue the development of breast and colon cancer cells. Thus, in general, it potentially helps lower the risks of cancers, especially those two ones.

5. Be A Respiratory Health Aids

When it comes to ingesting wasabi, your body may start producing mucus and flow.  This action will help clear out any allergens and irritants from your respiratory tract. Wasabi can also lower inflammation on your airway system that helps improve your lung function.

6. Beneficial to Brain Health

One of wasabi properties (Isothiocyanates) has some neuroprotective effects. Some studies show that in order to reduce inflammation our body initiates the antioxidant system, Thus, wasabi effects on the brain is to help slow some brain disorders triggered by inflammation.

7. Help Promote Fat Loss

The thermogenic effects of wasabi can help your body burn more calories. It can also help increase your metabolism for a time. Thus, wasabi could be your best option in helping you to shed some pounds.

8. Help Lower the Risk of Anemia

Among the rich minerals possessed by wasabi is iron. Having the right amount of your daily iron will prevent you from developing anemia. Its symptoms among others are extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, weakness or cold hands and feet, pale skin, etc. 

Iron has significant impacts on hemoglobin level in blood. Hemoglobin itself has a function in helping deliver oxygen to all over the body. If you want to avoid getting any anemia symptoms, you can start eating wasabi that is rich in iron.

9. Help Prevent Any Cavities

Isothiocyanates properties in wasabi are also very useful to mouth health. This antioxidant can kill any bacteria in our mouths that can cause cavities and the decaying of our teeth.

10. Improve Gut Health

Some people may experience a churning sensation after having a heavy meal. Eating wasabi may help you lessen such a discomfort feeling due to its ability in diminishing poisonous substance. Moreover, this Japanese native plant can also help regulate bowel movements and boost the functions of gallbladder and liver.  

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Wasabi

Despite the fact that wasabi has abundant health benefits, this Japanese native plant also has potential side effects and risks. Some fake wasabi may contain soybean oil; thus you need to be careful should you have such an allergy.   

Wasabi is not recommended for people with heartburn, stomach ulcers, gastritis due to its pungent and spicy character. It may also lead to liver damage due to its hepatotoxin properties if eaten in an unusual amount.

Final Thoughts

Wasabi is an iconic and popular Japanese native seasoning. Thus, we can easily find it in their traditional dishes. This green spicy ingredient may cause your eyes water and burn your nasal passages. However, the healthy properties of wasabi  turn out to be very instrumental for our health.

Since it also has some side effects, you need to be careful before eating one. You can consult your doctor before putting it into your diet menu if necessary. Hopefully, you may find the brief information on wasabi benefits useful

Fransiskus Jodiana
Fransiskus Jodiana A gardener: a silent artist sculpting nature's beauty, hands nurturing life, whispers of growth in every petal and leaf.

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